


Chapter 3

3 But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
Psalms 3:3 ESV
Beckylynn9468's Note
Dec 12
You oh Lord are my shield forgive me for lustful desires. Help me to to your will and not fall into loneliness and despair Keep my eyes fixed on You my sustainer and provider. Quicken me Holy Spirit to respond and speek in truth and love. Forgive me for not treating people with respect and live over the phone and help me slow down and make it easy. For You alone can quicken my spirit and change and transform my speech. This is what I desire. Help me to pay attention to details and work and not get caught up in personal struggles and emotional ties. Forgive me for my sins and quicken my heart to confess. Thank You Lird for the love and mercy you shower over me and thank you for prividing for me all these years.