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Joanna Rodney

Joanna Rodney's Notes

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Philippians 4:5-7 KJV

7/27/2014 MCBC keep calm and stand up.

Jul 27

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Ruth 1:19 KJV

Naomi means sweet and pleasant. She left sweet and pleasant, but became bitter. Mara means bitter. She was hitter but still praised god.

Jul 20

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Ruth 1:12 KJV

She heard that The Lord had visited his people and gave them bread Bethlehem means the house of bread. Bethlehem of Judah.

Jul 20

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Ruth 1:1 KJV

MCBC 7/20/2014 Don't go hungry. Phantom in our lives (a dry place). Do not move out of fear but out of faith The presence of your problems does not mean the absence of your god. Tough times in god is still the best time in god. Expand

Jul 20

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Chronicles 4:1 KJV

Do we know that when praises go up, blessings comes down. True praise is a powerful producer. Judah means praise. Pharez means breached, cut off. Hezron means a shield, will block and harm. Carmi means harvester, vine dresser. Hur means noble, liberty frees you from the opinion of others. Free from the past. Shobal means embraced of corn. Corn representing wealth. Wonder er, traveler, pioneer. Expand

Jul 13

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 2:2 KJV

When gods church is united God is reliable God is consistent The churches unity requires that I do what is required. Must be a team player, cooperation of the team. Everybody brings something to the table. Every time someone sees you doing something you make an impression of their life. Christian and leaders must learn how to be agents of change. PRESS There's going to be oppositions but we must press on. Expand

Jun 15

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 19:17 KJV

To have a Christian life that will magnify God they must yield to the power of God.

Jun 8

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 19:13 KJV

As powerful as god is there was Demons in the house. There were some Jews who took it upon themselves to call Jesus' name trying to imitate Paul.

Jun 8

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 19:11 KJV

MCBC 6/8/14 God work unusual miracles in the presence of Paul. Unusual church service. God at work When god work miracles there is a purpose. He is showing 1: to show compassion and love. 2: To teach us spiritual truth. To authenticate the messenger 3: He is presenting the truth about the Messiah. Expand

Jun 8

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Colossians 1:1 KJV

Know gods will for your life. Ask God to put me in his will. Have confidence in his will Feel complete in his will Feel connected in his will The word of god is life. God is able to breath life into his word, our daily life. Spend enough time with god until he becomes your joy. Experience his joy, peace, love. Expand

Jun 1

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Colossians 1:11 KJV

The will of God is awesome when you have confidence, completeness and connection 1. His word- become a student of the word of god, study to show thyself approved unto god. 2 Timothy 3:16 all scripture are given ...... To know gods will for your life. Set aside time to study gods word. 2. Circumstances. Learn to read your signs, pay attention to the flags, red, yellow, green. Stop, caution, go. 3. People. God will speak to me through people 4. His Holy Spirit will talk to you. Circumstances, people and his will. Expand

Jun 1

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Colossians 1:9 KJV

MCBC 6/1/2014 Sunday service The most important piece of knowledge. Unsaved is salvation Christian Best piece of knowledge is GODs will for my life. To be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Three things we get out of knowing his will. 1. Confidence. John 5:14 this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, he will grant it. 2. Completeness. Colossians 1:9 I do not cease to pray for you that you may be complete with the knowledge of his will. 3. Connection. Colossians 1:11 strengthen in all night I am connected to his power Strengthening. When you have joy you have peace. Patience long-suffering and joyfulness. Expand

Jun 1

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Romans 1:19 KJV

Know that the Holy Spirit in dwelling in you. Do not suppress the truth.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Romans 1:16 KJV

5/25/2014 MCBC Sunday service. Do not be ashamed of Christ. When you have had an experience with God you will not be ashamed, you won't care what others think or say about you.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 KJV

Watch, stand fast in faith, be brave, be strong, let all that you do be done in love.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 16:7 KJV

Paul teaching about waiting on God to open doors for him to move.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 16:2 KJV

Paul's teachings about giving unto the church and to god.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV

Paul teaching that Christians have a point when they will be risen and will have no other problems with their glorified bodies, and life everlasting.

May 25

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:22 KJV

Paul preaches about the resurrection.

May 25