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Joanna Rodney

Joanna Rodney's Notes

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Proverbs 15:33 KJV

4/10/2014 home 7708 Tobruk court, Hanover, MD 21076 With mom while she is in New York. Morning devotions

Apr 10

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Matthew 16:19 KJV

He will only release the keys to those who believe that he is the son of god.

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Matthew 16:18 KJV

4/6/14 MCBC kingdom plan, will of god is we praise him. As long as we praise god the key will unlock any situation that is bounding us to the devil. 12/13/15 Pastor Cato preaching Jesus promises to put Himself inside of me and then whatever I say and do will be released as if it came from Him. Expand

Dec 13

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on John 19:34 KJV

When Jesus rose from the grave he took the keys from the devoid.

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on John 19:10 KJV

Jesus being tempted by Satan trying to tell him that he controls his destiny. The devil tried to claim the keys but Jesus knew that he was about to take the keys away. The devil did not know how Jesus was going to take the keys. By piercing Jesus in the side, blood and water gushed out. Pain will bring blessings for released of sin. Expand

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on John 19:33 KJV

Pain releases POWER. 406014 MCBC Discovering the blessings that comes with pain. The power of the keys - Mathews 16 vs 19 Jesus said that I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.......... The keys control your destinies. Release the soul for damnation. Rebuke the devil. Relieve sickness. After Adam sinned satan had the keys to heaven, Jesus had to die on the cross to retrieve them. Jesus said in Revelations that : Revelation 1 vs 18 I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of hades and death. The power of Jesus was released with the blood that rushed from his side as he was pierced. Expand

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 11:4 KJV

Function is a biblical truth does not change.

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 11:2 KJV

The difference between custom and traditional rituals. 4/6/14. MCBC Christianity gave women rights and freedom. Paul writes about it here. God have laws in place and then there were customs. biblical truth stays the same but customs may change. Expand

Apr 6

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 20:22 KJV

Stand up and praise The Lord, and watch him take the enemy down.

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 20:17 KJV

Position yourself, stand still, and watch The Lord work it out. Hold your position lean on the word of god, do not fear or be dismay, tomorrow go out against it for The Lord is with you. Expand

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 20:15 KJV

The battle is not yours, it is The Lord.

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 20:12 KJV

But our eyes are on you. We need to realize that there are some battles that we cannot fight but that god can take care of it all.

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 20:2 KJV

3/30/14 MCBC the enemies of war have come to rob you of your love for Jesus. They have form one and you are the target. To rob you of all the blessings that god has given you. Your jobs, profession, religion, house, car. Because you mean something to the kingdom of god you are a target. Because you have a made up mind to serve god for the rest of your life, you are a target. Enemy will try to steal, kill and destroy. Expand

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 10:21 KJV

3/30/14 MCBC bible studies.

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on John 6:48 KJV

3/30/14 MCBC bible studies. The principles of salvation. Partaking of the bread of life. All is invited, none is excluded. Only those who come receives it. When one comes to the table they come to receive not to give. The table is already set. Expand

Mar 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Matthew 4:11 KJV

Satan trying to tempt Jesus. But Jesus chased him away

Mar 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 4:12 ESV

You can't fall in love a you have to grow in love. Lust seeks to take Love seeks to give Lust is selfish Love is selfless You know the difference by the way you are treated. Lust falls into Love grows into by learning Expand

Mar 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 4:11 KJV

Mount Calvary baptist church 3/22/14 Satan if you must speak to me get on your knees. If he is on his knees he is looking up to you. Watch very loosely what a man says when you meets him. Pay attention to the questions he asks'. Anyone that is going to show you respect will Purity is not where I have been it is where I am. Without faith it is impossible to reach my destination. Expand

Mar 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Ephesians 5:25 KJV

Husbands to love his wife as Christ love the church.

Mar 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV

Submit-to line up in order to operate and function correctly. Mount Calvert baptist church.

Mar 23