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Joan's Highlights



highlighted 1 Samuel 26:11 NLT

The LORD forbid that I should kill the one he has anointed! But take his spear and that jug of water beside his head, and then let’s get out of here!”

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 26:9 NLT

“No!” David said. “Don’t kill him. For who can remain innocent after attacking the LORD’s anointed one?

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 26:6 NLT

“Who will volunteer to go in there with me?” David asked Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai son of Zeruiah, Joab’s brother. “I’ll go with you,” Abishai replied.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 26:1 NLT

Now some men from Ziph came to Saul at Gibeah to tell him, “David is hiding on the hill of Hakilah, which overlooks Jeshimon.”

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:41-44 NLT

She bowed low to the ground and responded, “I, your servant, would be happy to marry David. I would even be willing to become a slave, washing the feet of his servants!” Quickly getting ready, she took along five of her servant girls as attendants, mounted her donkey, and went with David’s messengers. And so she became his wife. David also married Ahinoam from Jezreel, making both of them his wives. Saul, meanwhile, had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to a man from Gallim named Palti son of Laish.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:40 NLT

When the messengers arrived at Carmel, they told Abigail, “David has sent us to take you back to marry him.”

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:39 NLT

When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Praise the LORD, who has avenged the insult I received from Nabal and has kept me from doing it myself. Nabal has received the punishment for his sin.” Then David sent messengers to Abigail to ask her to become his wife.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:36-38 NLT

When Abigail arrived home, she found that Nabal was throwing a big party and was celebrating like a king. He was very drunk, so she didn’t tell him anything about her meeting with David until dawn the next day. In the morning when Nabal was sober, his wife told him what had happened. As a result he had a stroke, and he lay paralyzed on his bed like a stone. About ten days later, the LORD struck him, and he died.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:35 NLT

Then David accepted her present and told her, “Return home in peace. I have heard what you said. We will not kill your husband.”

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:32-33 NLT

David replied to Abigail, “Praise the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you to meet me today! Thank God for your good sense! Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:30-31 NLT

When the LORD has done all he promised and has made you leader of Israel, don’t let this be a blemish on your record. Then your conscience won’t have to bear the staggering burden of needless bloodshed and vengeance. And when the LORD has done these great things for you, please remember me, your servant!”

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:26 NLT

“Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, since the LORD has kept you from murdering and taking vengeance into your own hands, let all your enemies and those who try to harm you be as cursed as Nabal is.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:23-25 NLT

When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed low before him. She fell at his feet and said, “I accept all blame in this matter, my lord. Please listen to what I have to say. I know Nabal is a wicked and ill-tempered man; please don’t pay any attention to him. He is a fool, just as his name suggests. But I never even saw the young men you sent.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:17-19 NLT

You need to know this and figure out what to do, for there is going to be trouble for our master and his whole family. He’s so ill-tempered that no one can even talk to him!” Abigail wasted no time. She quickly gathered 200 loaves of bread, two wineskins full of wine, five sheep that had been slaughtered, nearly a bushel of roasted grain, 100 clusters of raisins, and 200 fig cakes. She packed them on donkeys and said to her servants, “Go on ahead. I will follow you shortly.” But she didn’t tell her husband Nabal what she was doing.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:14 NLT

Meanwhile, one of Nabal’s servants went to Abigail and told her, “David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, but he screamed insults at them.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:11-12 NLT

Should I take my bread and my water and my meat that I’ve slaughtered for my shearers and give it to a band of outlaws who come from who knows where?” So David’s young men returned and told him what Nabal had said.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:10 NLT

“Who is this fellow David?” Nabal sneered to the young men. “Who does this son of Jesse think he is? There are lots of servants these days who run away from their masters.

Nov 8



highlighted 1 Samuel 25:1 NLT

Now Samuel died, and all Israel gathered for his funeral. They buried him at his house in Ramah. Nabal Angers David Then David moved down to the wilderness of Maon.

Nov 8



highlighted Song of Solomon 1:7 NLT

Tell me, my love, where are you leading your flock today? Where will you rest your sheep at noon? For why should I wander like a prostitute among your friends and their flocks?

Nov 8



highlighted Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NLT

That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.

Nov 8