Ecclesiastes 9:2 References
aIt is the same for all. There is bone fate for the righteous and for the wicked; for the good, for the clean and for the unclean; for the man who offers a sacrifice and for the one who does not sacrifice. As the good man is, so is the sinner; as the swearer is, so is the one who is afraid to swear.
b Ecclesiastes 2:14, Ecclesiastes 3:19, Ecclesiastes 6:6, Ecclesiastes 7:2
Ecclesiastes 2
The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the afool walks in darkness. And yet I know that bone fate befalls them both.
Ecclesiastes 3
aFor the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity.
Ecclesiastes 6
"Even if the other man lives a thousand years twice and does not enjoy good things--ado not all go to one place?"