Behold Children are a Heritage from the Lord
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Behold Children are a Heritage from the Lord

Psalm 127:3 NKJV

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.

Do you value your children as a HERITAGE directly from the Lord?
If you train them in the fear, discipline and teaching of the Lord, they will live in that inheritance when they are older. Children are a blessing and must not be seen as a burden on us.

The very next verse says that they are like arrows in the hands of a warrior, what a picture. When we patiently train a child in the ways of the Lord they will become the ammunition against the kingdom of darkness. The opposite is when they become the arrows in the hands of the enemy. Treat your children like they are the very gift from God and raise them with the mindset that you are caretakers of their souls.

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