Seek The Kingdom Of God
But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Luke 12:31 NKJV
They have better things to mind and pursue: "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and mind this, you, my disciples, who are to preach the kingdom of God let your hearts be upon your work, and your great care how to do that well, and this will effectually divert your thoughts from inordinate care about things of the world. And let all that have souls to save seek the kingdom of God, in which only they can be safe. Seek admission into it, seek advancement in it seek the kingdom of grace, to be subjects in that the kingdom of glory, to be princes in that and then all these things shall be added to you. Mind the affairs of your souls with diligence and care, and then trust God with all your other affairs. - Matthew Henry