Planted By Rivers Of Water
He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. Psalm 1:3 NKJV
Of his pious practice he meditates in the law of God, turns that in succum et sanguinem--into juice and blood, and that makes him like a tree. The more we converse with the word of God the better furnished we are for every good word and work. Or, Of the promised blessing he is blessed of the Lord, and therefore he shall be like a tree. The divine blessing produces real effects. It is the happiness of a godly man, That he is planted by the grace of God. These trees were by nature wild olives, and will continue so till they are grafted anew, and so planted by a power from above. Never any good tree grew of itself it is the planting of the Lord, and therefore he must in it be glorified. Isaiah 61:3, The trees of the Lord are full of sap.
That he is placed by the means of grace, here called the rivers of water, those rivers which make glad the city of our God (Psalm 46:4) from these a good man receives supplies of strength and vigour, but in secret undiscerned ways.
That his practices shall be fruit, abounding to a good account, Philippians 4:17. To those whom God first blessed he said, Be fruitful (Genesis 1:22), and still the comfort and honour of fruitfulness are a recompense for the labour of it. It is expected from those who enjoy the mercies of grace that, both in the temper of their minds and in the tenour of their lives, they comply with the intentions of that grace, and then they bring forth fruit. And, be it observed to the praise of the great dresser of the vineyard, they bring forth their fruit (that which is required of them) in due season, when it is most beautiful and most useful, improving every opportunity of doing good and doing it in its proper time.
That his profession shall be preserved from blemish and decay: His leaf also shall not wither. As to those who bring forth only the leaves of profession, without any good fruit, even their leaf will wither and they shall be as much ashamed of their profession as ever they were proud of it but, if the word of God rule in the heart, that will keep the profession green, both to our comfort and to our credit the laurels thus won shall never wither. That prosperity shall attend him wherever he goes, soul-prosperity. Whatever he does, in conformity to the law, it shall prosper and succeed to his mind, or above his hope.
In singing Psalm 1:1-3, being duly affected with the malignant and dangerous nature of sin, the transcendent excellencies of the divine law, and the power and efficacy of God's grace, from which our fruit is found, we must teach and admonish ourselves, and one another, to watch against sin and all approaches towards it, to converse much with the word of God, and abound in the fruit of righteousness and, in praying over them, we must seek to God for his grace both to fortify us against every evil word and work and to furnish us for every good word and work. - Matthew Henry