Love Will Cover A Multitude Of Sins
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 NKJV
Here is a noble rule in Christianity. Christians ought to love one another, which implies an affection to their persons, a desire of their welfare, and a hearty endeavour to promote it. This mutual affection must not be cold, but fervent, that is, sincere, strong, and lasting. This sort of earnest affection is recommended above all things, which shows the importance of it, Colossians 3:14. It is greater than faith or hope, 1 Corinthians 13:13. One excellent effect of it is that it will cover a multitude of sins. Learn, There ought to be in all Christians a more fervent charity towards one another than towards other men: Have charity among yourselves. He does not say for pagans, for idolaters, or for apostates, but among yourselves. Let brotherly love continue, Hebrews 13:1. There is a special relation between all sincere Christians, and a particular amiableness and good in them, which require special affection.
It is not enough for Christians not to bear malice, nor to have common respect for one another, they must intensely and fervently love each other.
It is the property of true charity to cover a multitude of sins. It inclines people to forgive and forget offences against themselves, to cover and conceal the sins of others, rather than aggravate them and spread them abroad. It teaches us to love those who are but weak, and who have been guilty of many evil things before their conversion; and it prepares for mercy at the hand of God, who hath promised to forgive those that forgive others. - Matthew Henry