All Authority Has Been Given To Me
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18 NKJV
The commission which our Lord Jesus received himself from the Father. Being about to authorize his apostles, if any ask by what authority he doeth it, and who gave him that authority, here he tells us, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth a very great word, and which none but he could say. Hereby he asserts his universal dominion as Mediator, which is the great foundation of the Christian religion. He has all power. Observe, Whence he hath this power. He did not assume it, or usurp it, but it was given him, he was legally entitled to it, and invested in it, by a grant from him who is the Fountain of all being, and consequently of all power. God set him King (Psalm 2:6), inaugurated and enthroned him, Luke 1:32. As God, equal with the Father, all power was originally and essentially his but as Mediator, as God-man, all power was given him partly in recompence of his work (because he humbled himself, therefore God thus exalted him), and partly in pursuance of his design he had this power given him over all flesh, that he might give eternal life to as many as were given him (John 17:2), for the more effectual carrying on and completing our salvation. This power he was now more signally invested in, upon his resurrection, Acts 13:3. He had power before, power to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6) but now all power is given him. He is now going to receive for himself a kingdom (Luke 19:12), to sit down at the right hand, Psalm 110:1. Having purchased it, nothing remains but to take possession it is his own for ever.
Where he has this power in heaven and earth, comprehending the universe. Christ is the sole universal Monarch, he is Lord of all, Acts 10:36. He has all power in heaven. He has power of dominion over the angels, they are all his humble servants, Ephesians 1:20,21. He has power of intercession with his Father, in the virtue of his satisfaction and atonement he intercedes, not as a suppliant, but as a demandant Father, I will. He has all power on earth too having prevailed with God, by the sacrifice of atonement, he prevails with men, and deals with them as one having authority, by the ministry of reconciliation. He is indeed, in all causes and over all persons, supreme Moderator and Governor. By him kings reign. All souls are his, and to him every heart and knee must bow, and every tongue confess him to be the Lord. This our Lord Jesus tells them, not only to satisfy them of the authority he had to commission them, and to bring them out in the execution of their commission, but to take off the offence of the cross they had no reason to be ashamed of Christ crucified, when they saw him thus glorified. - Matthew Henry