God Is The Strength Of My Heart.
My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 NKJV
Then we must repose ourselves in God with an entire satisfaction. Observe here, Great distress and trouble supposed: My flesh and my heart fail. Note, Others have experienced and we must expect, the failing both of flesh and heart. The body will fail by sickness, age, and death and that which touches the bone and the flesh touches us in a tender part, that part of ourselves which we have been but too fond of when the flesh fails the heart is ready to fail too the conduct, courage, and comfort fail.
Sovereign relief provided in this distress: But God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever. Note, Gracious souls, in their greatest distresses, rest upon God as their spiritual strength and their eternal portion. First, "He is the strength of my heart, the rock of my heart, a firm foundation, which will bear my weight and not sink under it. God is the strength of my heart I have found him so I do so still, and hope ever to find him so." In the distress supposed, he had put the case of a double failure, both flesh and heart fail but, in the relief, he fastens on a single support: he leaves out the flesh and the consideration of that, it is enough that God is the strength of his heart. He speaks as one careless of the body (let that fail, there is no remedy), but as one concerned about the soul, to be strengthened in the inner man. Secondly, "He is my portion for ever he will not only support me while I am here, but make me happy when I go hence." The saints choose God for their portion, they have him for their portion, and it is their happiness that he will be their portion, a portion that will last as long as the immortal soul lasts. - Matthew Henry