The Fear Of The Lord.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding Proverbs 9:10 NKJV
Let them know wherein true wisdom consists, and what will be their entertainment at Wisdom's table.
The heart must be principled with the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom. A reverence of God's majesty, and a dread of his wrath, are that fear of him which is the beginning, the first step towards true religion, whence all other instances of it take rise. This fear may, at first, have torment, but love will, by degrees, cast out the torment of it.
The head must be filled with the knowledge of the things of God. The knowledge of holy things (the word is plural) is understanding, the things pertaining to the service of God (those are called holy things), that pertain to our own sanctification reproof is called that which is holy, Matthew 7:6. Or the knowledge which holy men have, which was taught by the holy prophets, of those things which holy men spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost, this is understanding it is the best and most useful understanding, will stand us in most stead and turn to the best account. - Matthew Henry