God Is Number One.
So he answered and said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27 NKJV
What a good account he gave of the law, of the principal commandments of the law, to the observance of which we must bind ourselves if we would inherit eternal life. He did not, like a Pharisee, refer himself to the tradition of the elders, but, like a good textuary, fastened upon the two first and great commandments of the law, as those which he thought must be most strictly observed in order to the obtaining of eternal life, and which included all the rest.
We must love God with all our hearts, must look upon him as the best of beings, in himself most amiable, and infinitely perfect and excellent as one whom we lie under the greatest obligations to, both in gratitude and interest. We must prize him, and value ourselves by our elation to him must please ourselves in him, and devote ourselves entirely to him. Our love to him must be sincere, hearty, and fervent it must be a superlative love, a love that is as strong as death, but an intelligent love, and such as we can give a good account of the grounds and reasons of. It must be an entire love he must have our whole souls, and must be served with all that is within us. We must love nothing besides him, but what we love for him and in subordination to him.
We must love our neighbours as ourselves, which we shall easily do, if we, as we ought to do, love God better than ourselves. We must wish well to all and ill to none must do all the good we can in the world and no hurt, and must fix it as a rule to ourselves to do to others as we would they should do to us and this is to love our neighbour as ourselves. - Matthew Henry