God Is Teaching You.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8 NKJV
He turns his speech to the children of men. Being himself converted, he does what he can to strengthen his brethren: I will instruct thee, whoever thou art that desirest instruction, and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go, Psalm 32:8. This, in another of his penitential psalms, he resolves that when God should have restored to him the joy of his salvation he would teach transgressors his ways, and do what he could to convert sinners to God, as well as to comfort those that were converted, Psalm 51:12,13. When Solomon became a penitent he immediately became a preacher, Ecclesiastes 1:1. Those are best able to teach others the grace of God who have themselves had the experience of it: and those who are themselves taught of God ought to tell others what he has done for their souls (Psalm 66:16) and so teach them. I will guide thee with my eye. Some apply this to God's conduct and direction. He teaches us by his word and guides us with his eye, by the secret intimations of his will in the hints and turns of Providence, which he enables his people to understand and take direction from, as a master makes a servant know his mind by a wink of his eye. When Christ turned and looked upon Peter he guided him with his eye. But it is rather to be taken as David's promise to those who sat under his instruction, his own children and family especially: "I will counsel thee my eye shall be upon thee" (so the margin reads it) "I will give thee the best counsel I can and then observe whether thou takest it or no." Those that are taught in the word should be under the constant inspection of those that teach them spiritual guides must be overseers. In this application of the foregoing doctrine concerning the blessedness of those whose sins are pardoned we have a word to sinners and a word to saints and this is rightly dividing the word of truth and giving to each their portion. - Matthew Henry