God Is The One True God.
But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble, And the nations will not be able to endure His indignation. Jeremiah 10:10 NKJV
His verity is as evident as the idol's vanity. They are the work of men's hands, and therefore nothing is more plain than that it is a jest to worship them, if that may be called a jest which is so great an indignity to him that made us: But the Lord is the true God, the God of truth he is God in truth. God Jehovah is truth he is not a counterfeit and pretender, as they are, but is really what he has revealed himself to be he is one we may depend upon, in whom and by whom we cannot be deceived.
Look upon him as he is in himself, and he is the living God. He is life itself, has life in himself, and is the fountain of life to all the creatures. The gods of the heathen are dead things, worthless and useless, but ours is a living God, and hath immortality.
Look upon him with relation to his creatures, he is a King, and absolute monarch, over them all, is their owner and ruler, has an incontestable right both to command them and dispose of them. As a king, he protects the creatures, provides for their welfare, and preserves peace among them. He is an everlasting king. The counsels of his kingdom were from everlasting and the continuance of it will be to everlasting. He is a King of eternity. The idols whom they call their kings are but of yesterday, and will soon be abolished and the kings of the earth, that set them up to be worshipped, will themselves be in the dust shortly but the Lord shall reign for ever, thy God, O Zion! unto all generations. - Matthew Henry