Hosanna In The Highest.
Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Hosanna in the highest! Matthew 21:9 NKJV
What they said They that went before, and they that followed, were in the same tune both those that gave notice of his coming, and those that attended him with their applauses, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, Matthew 21:9. When they carried branches about at the feast of tabernacles, they were wont to cry Hosanna, and from thence to call their bundles of branches their hosannas. Hosanna signifies, Save now, we beseech thee referring to Psalm 118:25,26, where the Messiah is prophesied of as the Head-stone of the corner, though the builders refused him and all his loyal subjects are brought in triumphing with him, and attending him with hearty good wishes to the prosperity of all his enterprises. Hosanna to the Son of David is, "This we do in honour of the Son of David."
The hosannas with which Christ was attended bespeak two things:
Their welcoming his kingdom. Hosanna bespeaks the same with, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. It was foretold concerning this Son of David, that all nations shall call him blessed (Psalm 72:17) these here began, and all true believers in all ages concur in it, and call him blessed it is the genuine language of faith. Note, First, Jesus Christ comes in the name of the Lord he is sanctified, and sent into the world, as Mediator him hath God the Father sealed. Secondly, The coming of Christ in the name of the Lord, is worthy of all acceptation and we all ought to say, Blessed is he that cometh to praise him, and be pleased in him. Let his coming in the name of the Lord be mentioned with strong affections, to our comfort, and joyful acclamations, to his glory. Well may we say, Blessed is he for it is in him that we are blessed. Well may we follow him with our blessings, who meets us with his.
Their wishing well to his kingdom intimated in their Hosanna earnestly desiring that prosperity and success may attend it, and that it may be a victorious kingdom "Send now prosperity to that kingdom." If they understood it of a temporal kingdom, and had their hearts carried out thus toward that, it was their mistake, which a little time would rectify however, their good-will was accepted. Note, It is our duty earnestly to desire and pray for the prosperity and success of Christ's kingdom in the world. Thus prayer must be made for him continually (Psalm 72:15), that all happiness may attend his interest in the world, and that, though he may ride on an ass, yet in his majesty he may ride prosperously, because of that meekness, Psalm 45:4. This we mean when we pray, Thy kingdom come. They add, Hosanna in the highest: Let prosperity in the highest degree attend him, let him have a name above every name, a throne above every throne or, Let us praise him in the best manner for his church ascend to heaven, to the highest heavens, and fetch in peace and salvation from thence. See Psalm 20:6. The Lord saveth his Anointed, and will hear from his high, his holy heaven. - Matthew Henry