Christ Was Buried And Rose Again.
That He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:4 NKJV
By Old-Testament predictions. He died for our sins, according to the scriptures; he was buried, and rose from the dead, according to the scriptures, according to the scripture-prophecies, and scripture-types. Such prophecies as Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:4-6; Daniel 9:26, 27; Hosea. 6:2. Such scripture-types as Jonah (Matthew 12:4), as Isaac, who is expressly said by the apostle to have been received from the dead in a figure, Hebrews 11:19. Note, It is a great confirmation of our faith of the gospel to see how it corresponds with ancient types and prophecies.
By the testimony of many eye-witnesses, who saw Christ after he had risen from the dead. He reckons up five several appearances, beside that to himself. He was seen of Cephas, or Peter, then of the twelve, called so, though Judas was no longer among them, because this was their usual number; then he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once, many of whom were living when the apostle wrote this epistle, though some had fallen asleep. This was in Galilee, Matthew 28:10. After that, he was seen of James singly, and then by all the apostles when he was taken up into heaven. This was on mount Olivet, Luke 24:50. Compare Acts 1:2, 5-7. Note, How uncontrollably evident was Christ's resurrection from the dead, when so many eyes saw him at so many different times alive, and when he indulged the weakness of one disciple so far as to let him handle him, to put his resurrection out of doubt! - Matthew Henry