God Is Not Unrighteous.
Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity. Job 34:10 NKJV
How plainly this truth is laid down, both negatively and positively. He does wrong to none: God cannot do wickedness, nor the Almighty commit iniquity. It is inconsistent with the perfection of his nature, and so it is also with the purity of his will: God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment. He neither can nor will do a wrong thing, nor deal hardly with any man. He will never inflict the evil of punishment but where he finds the evil of sin, nor in any undue proportion, for that would be to commit iniquity and do wickedly. If appeals be made to him, or he be to give a definitive sentence, he will have an eye to the merits of the cause and not respect the person, for that were to pervert judgment. He will never either do any man wrong or deny any man right, but the heavens will shortly declare his righteousness. Because he is God, and therefore is infinitely perfect and holy, he can neither do wrong himself nor countenance it in others, nay more than he can die, or lie, or deny himself. Though he be Almighty, yet he never uses his power, as mighty men often do, for the support of injustice. He is Shaddai-God all-sufficient, and therefore he cannot be tempted with evil (James 1:13), to do an unrighteous thing. - Matthew Henry