


Chapter 19

25 Therefore the soldiers did these things.
John 19:25 NASB
Michaelmikedad's Note
May 11
Mother are very important and we should honor them. Jesus when He was on the Cross made sure that His mother was taken care off. 1. Love your mother verbally: Tell them often that you love them. Don't just say it once but say it often. Show them that you love them. How do you do that; by seeing them and always before leave give her a hug and tell her how much you love her because you never know if that time will be the last time. 2. Love her physically; by holding her hand or giv her a hug. Demonstrate to her that you love her. Jesus while on the Cross showed how much He loved His mother by telling her and touched her by His love. 3. Love her spiritually by praying for her. Pray for her daily and when you see her. Mothers need to know th