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Chapter 6

19 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,
Matthew 6:19 ESV
Janicedb's Note
Feb 22
Matt.7:7 ask, seek,knock and God will answer. Repeat our prayers. Weighted prayers are as good as the length. To get Gods will to line up with his. Change up my heart to line up with yours. He knows our needs before we ask. He's never to busy. Heb.4:16 Matt.14:23 Jesus prayed. Mark1:34 prayed while it was dark. Seek him before your day starts. Luke15:16 don't be to busy to pray. Journal when the lord speaks to me. Vs.9 -15 Lord's Prayer -- focus on others in our prayers. Vs.16 fasting .. Not to eat Wrong reasons.. Not to gain Gods approval,obligation,for others to see it. Set aside food and time the seek the lord over a need. Not to impress God. Centurion had faith to believe Jesus could just speak the word and it would be done. Impressed.