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Chapter 7

1 "aDo not judge so that you will not be judged.
Matthew 7:1 NASB
Janicedb's Note
Jan 3
3 Facts about True Love. Blind Spots We can be blinded by spiritual things. Love by worldly standards .. Do what makes you happy? True love is a journey to 1. Love confronts: judges others by righteous judgement. Sermon on the mount was to show that Hippocrates. Matt.5:20 self righteous. Must confront other believers In sin. Don't be righteous confrontation. In repentant sin. In order to confront make Godly judgements based on love. Use good discernment. How do we make that judgement Matt:7:17-20. Observe fruit in someone's life. James 5:20 help others in sin. Purpose is to restore them to Jesus.