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1 Samuel

Chapter 15

12 Samuel rose early in the morning to meet Saul; and it was told Samuel, saying, "Saul came to aCarmel, and behold, he set up a monument for himself, then turned and proceeded on down to bGilgal."
1 Samuel 15:12 NASB
Janicedb's Note
Feb 14
1Sam.15:12. Jam.1:22 Doers of the word Knowledge of the bible far outweighs our willingness to obey. Obedience Big idea: To follow Christ Requires ...obedience 3 Truths about obedience 1. Obedience begins in the heart. Heart is where it begins.Obedience is a choice. We can change our heart without changing our behavior. Need a willing heart. Love Jesus you will obey. Can't delegate responsible or blame. 2. Partial Obedience is...disobedience. A. Helps justify sin. Don't live in gray area. Gal.6:3 deceive ourselves. B. It leads to a cover up., more damaging that the disobedience. Obedience requires discomfort. Matt.10:39 Lose your life. 3. Obedience is... A. Sacrifice is usually a matter of... B. Obedience is our response to...