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Chapter 7

15 "Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.
Revelation 7:15 ESV
Janicedb's Note
Aug 17
Rev. 7. All saved-by the will and work of Jesus . Peter 1:2- reserved in heaven for me by the power of grace. Great mercy and the death and resurrection of Jesus is why we have salvation; purchased and redeemed by the cross. We were slaves to sin and needed to be purchased out of death. Spiritual death is the wages of sin. 1Perter1:18-19 paid in full and are seen as righteous. Ephesus.1:13-14 sealed by the spirit of God in us. To mark us as His. Nothing can separate us from His hands. Holy sacrifice to The Lord. Ephes. 4:1-3 walk in humility, speech, truthful. We should be different than those in the world. Vs.30-32 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit or ourselves. Vs. 15-17. Saints that come out of the tribulation. Rev.21:1-what awaits us