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Chapter 13

18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.
Revelation 13:18 NLT
Janicedb's Note
Oct 5
Rev. 13:11 false prophet . Appears like a lamb to the world. Really a wolf in sheep clothing. Carries the message. Vs.13 authority to require worship of the antichrist. We have desire to rebel against God and he takes advantage of our need to worship something. The world cries out when it is in crisis. We need to ave peace. Vs.12 the wound that should have been fatal. Great signs are preformed. Fire down from heaven. Duplicate the signs. Supernatural miracles are not all from God. Matt.24:24-25 False prophets. What is being said, does it line up with the word of God. Things must line up with the word of God. Love the word of God. Vs.14 worship or die. Beheaded Vs.16 -18 requires the mark that says your locality is with the antichrist666.