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Betsy Sligh

1 Timothy

Chapter 4

13 aUntil I come, give attention to the public breading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching.
1 Timothy 4:13 NASB
Betsy Sligh's Note
Feb 19
The Significance of Scripture 3 Ways God has revealed his word 1. The spoken word - The Prophets 2.The Living Word- Jesus 3.The written Word Priority of Scripture, public reading if Scripture Practice of Scripture, preaching the Scriptures Purpose of Scripture, teaching the Scriptures What does Scripture do? 1.Directs me away from temptation and sin 2.Directs me to eternal life 3. Directs you and me in life 4. Sets me apart from this world How do we apply it? Read it Engrain your mind with scripture, memorize it Enguld your heart, meditate and saturate