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Leane White

A Thought By

Leane White

Nov 6
I've decided to read through the Proverbs again. Since there are 31 chapters it makes sense to read a chapter a day in a month that has 31 days. Since I started on Nov. 6. I have some catching up to do, but that's ok. I didn't want to wait for the beginning of next month. November happens to only have 30 days so I'll also have an extra chapter to read on the 30th but thats ok too. I just really felt that it's time to read the proverbs again as there's always room for gaining more wisdom. If nothing else I always walk away from the proverbs feeling a little wiser and one step ahead of those who are out to mess me up. We all have a few of those type of people in our lives whether we know it or not. Chapter 1 is an overview of the book and encourages us to be wise and understand and follow instruction. I love the proverbs. They are simple, insightful thoughts but are yet so profound. I struggle with reading the bible these days as life gets kinda crazy at times, so this is quite a challenge for myself. However with God's help I will get through this.