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Sallie Warren


Chapter 6

8 the Lord sent a prophet to the people of Israel. And he said to them, "Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: I led you up from Egypt and brought you out of the house of slavery.
Judges 6:8 ESV
Sallie Warren's Note
Aug 7
Idolatry always leads to slavery. And false identity1 1. Family idolatry. Your security and successors earned in your family. 2.. Approval idolatry identity is earned when u have the approval of others. 3. Status idolatry. Your identity is earned by what you can achieve for yourself 4. Wealth idolatry. Your happiness can be earned on what you earn for yourself 5. Comfort idolatry. Your identity is earned by being in control Idols often goods things that become God things and that's a bad thing Idols demand that you earn your identity from them.