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Albert Venczel


Chapter 24

20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again.
Leviticus 24:20 KJV
Albert Venczel's Note
Jun 9
This was done away with by Jesus who stated "Love your Neighbour, enemies and God" not necessarily in that order God first, Negihbour second, Me third. Listen also carefully to what he said, he does not say Love everybody, it also raises the Q who is my neighbour??? Am i my brothers keeper? (the rest of the Bible answers this Q) How to destroy evil ? The Church Militant is a fighting army. So, basically where are the "good guys" in all if this and how do you join them. They are militarized. The War broke out in Heaven and is now being played out on earth, What matters is where YOU end up on Judgment day. Choose sides, Jesus or Satan, mark of beast or seal of God ??? Battle is for the soul of man.