


Chapter 93

4 Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!
Psalms 93:4 ESV
Beckylynn9468's Note
Nov 5
Holy And mighty are You oh Lord. Mighty to save and faithful. Save me from the hate and bitterness within. Free me from the fear that so easily entangles me. I feel frustrated and defeated today because of my actions yesterday. Forgive me Lord for my behavior. Forgive me for takings fears and confusion out in anger towards others. Help me to bow my head in prayer and asked to n filled with spirit on all circumstances. I am a sinner saved by Your grace alone. Help me to live under that grace and extend it to others. Be kind and loving Lord towards others. I was nAsty and horrible yesterday. Easily frustrated and did not speek in love. Feel me to the brim with love peace patients kindness goodness mercy self control. .