Jesus Came To Save The Lost
For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Matthew 18:11 NKJV
The gracious design of Christ concerning them for the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. This is a reason, First, Why the little ones' angels have such a charge concerning them, and attend upon them it is in pursuance of Christ's design to save them. Note, The ministration of angels is founded in the mediation of Christ through him angels are reconciled to us and, when they celebrated God's goodwill toward men, to it they annexed their own. Secondly, Why they are not to be despised because Christ came to save them, to save them that are lost, the little ones that are lost in their own eyes (Isaiah 66:3), that are at a loss within themselves. Or rather, the children of men.
Our souls by nature are lost souls as a traveler is lost, that is out of his way, as a convicted prisoner is lost. God lost the service of fallen man, lost the honour he should have had from him.
Christ's errand into the world was to save that which was lost, to reduce us to our allegiance, restore us to our work, reinstate us in our privileges, and so to put us into the right way that leads to our great end to save those that are spiritually lost from being eternally so.
This is a good reason why the least and weakest believers should not be despised or offended. If Christ put such a value upon them, let us not undervalue them. If he denied himself so much for their salvation, surely we should deny ourselves for their edification and consolation. See this argument urged, Romans 14:15,1 Corinthians 8:11,12. Nay, if Christ came into the world to save souls, and his heart is so much upon that work, he will reckon severely with those that obstruct and hinder it, by obstructing the progress of those that are setting their faces heavenward, and so thwart his great design. - Matthew Henry