Galatians 2:6 References

6 But from those who were of high areputation (what they were makes no difference to me; bGod shows no partiality)--well, those who were of reputation contributed nothing to me.

a 2 Corinthians 11:5, 2 Corinthians 12:11, Galatians 2:9, Galatians 6:3

2 Corinthians 11

5 For I consider myself anot in the least inferior to the most eminent apostles.

2 Corinthians 12

11 I have become afoolish; you yourselves compelled me. Actually I should have been commended by you, for bin no respect was I inferior to the most eminent apostles, even though cI am a nobody.

Galatians 2

9 and recognizing athe grace that had been given to me, bJames and cCephas and John, who were dreputed to be epillars, gave to me and fBarnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.

Galatians 6

3 For aif anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

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