Isaiah 55:13 References

13 "Instead of the athorn bush the bcypress will come up, And instead of the cnettle the myrtle will come up, And it will be a dmemorial to the Lord, For an everlasting esign which fwill not be cut off."

d Isaiah 63:12, Isaiah 63:14, Jeremiah 33:9

Isaiah 63

12 Who caused His aglorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses, Who bdivided the waters before them to make for Himself an everlasting name,

Isaiah 63

14 As the cattle which go down into the valley, The Spirit of the aLord gave them rest. So You bled Your people, To make for Yourself a glorious name.

Jeremiah 33

9 'It will be to Me a aname of joy, praise and glory before ball the nations of the earth which will hear of all the cgood that I do for them, and they will dfear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it.'