Deborah Millers's Activity
Deborah Millers
highlighted Numbers 6:24 NLT
‘May the LORD bless you and protect you.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Numbers 6:25-26 NLT
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 5:10 NLT
Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 5:5 NLT
You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 5:1 NLT
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 3:18 NLT
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 1:20 NLT
that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 1:19 NLT
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 1:8 NLT
He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 1:5 NLT
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Hebrews 13:15 NLT
Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.
about 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:24 NLT
May God’s grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:13-18 NLT
Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:11 NLT
Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:10 NLT
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:7 NLT
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 6:4 NLT
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 5:20 NLT
And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
over 10 years ago
Deborah Millers
highlighted Ephesians 5:19 NLT
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.
over 10 years ago