Mandi R. Paris's Activity
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read Ecclesiastes 11
Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read Ecclesiastes 10
Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 10:1 KJV
Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read Ecclesiastes 9
But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Whether it is love or hate, man does not know; both are before him....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read Ecclesiastes 8
Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 8:15 KJV
Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read Ecclesiastes 7
A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:26 KJV
And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:21 KJV
Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee:
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:20 KJV
For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:13 KJV
Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:9 KJV
Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:8 KJV
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:3 KJV
Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
highlighted Ecclesiastes 7:1 KJV
A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read 2 Chronicles 9
Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to Jerusalem to test him with hard questions, having a very great retinue and camels bearing spices and very much gold and precious stones. And when she came to Solomon, she told him all that was on her mind....
about 11 years ago
Mandi R. Paris
read 1 Kings 11
Now King Solomon loved many foreign women, along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women,...
about 11 years ago