Live Psalm 91's Notes
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Ephesians 5:10 ESV
Discern what God likes by knowing Him, through the reading and studying of His Word, also in prayer and listening to His Voice.
Feb 16
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Psalms 56:8 KJV
Coffmans's Commentary says, "Is it really true that God has such detailed interest in his servants? Kidner pointed out that it is even so, adding that, "Our Lord had equally striking terms for God's attention to detail. He said, `The very hairs of your head are all numbered.' (Matthew 10:29)."[12]" … Expand
Feb 11
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Ephesians 3:1 KJV
Coffman's Commentary explains it thus: "The Christian has always a double life and a double address."[3] To all outward appearance Paul was a prisoner of the Roman government, but that is not the way Paul looked at it, at all. He thought of himself as suffering and being imprisoned for the sake of Christ. This thought of the origin of his imprisonment ended with Paul's being freed for a while."... … Expand
Feb 10
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 4:15 ESV
What about the verse that says do not call anyone father?
Dec 17
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Leviticus 16:29 ESV
This looks like around September 10th.
Dec 16
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Genesis 32:24 ESV
What a wonderful prayer - "I am not worthy of the steadfast love and faithfulness you have shown to your servant..." - Jacob's prayer
Nov 18
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Matthew 3:2 ESV
I've finished my reading and mow I will pray. Now I will rest and I pray for everyone on this app.
Oct 18
Live Psalm 91
wrote a note on Matthew 1:9 ESV
I've just begun this more rigid reading style. I'll spread less and pray more. I got into the great habit of reading the New Testament over and over and it really blessed my life. I read through twice but now I find it difficult to read every single day. I believe this will help and I'm looking forward to using this reading plan for reading the New Testament, praying and heightening my relationship with God. … Expand
Oct 18