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Babyfacealviar's Bookmarks

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bookmarked Exodus 30 NASB

"Moreover, you shall make aan altar as a place for burning incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.

Nov 9

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bookmarked Exodus 29 NASB

"aNow this is what you shall do to them to consecrate them to minister as priests to Me: take one young bull and two rams without blemish,

Nov 9

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bookmarked Genesis 6 NASB

Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,

Nov 9

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bookmarked Jeremiah 1 NASB

The words of aJeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in bAnathoth in the land of Benjamin,

Nov 5

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bookmarked Isaiah 66 NASB

Thus says the Lord, "aHeaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a bhouse you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?

Nov 5

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bookmarked 2 Chronicles 34 NASB

aJosiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem.

Nov 4

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bookmarked 2 Chronicles 33 NASB

aManasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.

Nov 4

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bookmarked Joshua 22 NASB

aThen Joshua summoned the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh,

Nov 3

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bookmarked Joshua 21 NASB

Then the heads of households of athe Levites approached Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of households of the tribes of the sons of Israel.

Nov 3

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bookmarked Exodus 28 NASB

"Then abring near to yourself Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the sons of Israel, to minister as priest to Me--Aaron, bNadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons.

Nov 2

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bookmarked Exodus 27 NASB

"And you shall make athe altar of acacia wood, five cubits long and five cubits wide; the altar shall be square, and its height shall be three cubits.

Nov 2

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bookmarked 2 Timothy 1 NASB

Paul, aan apostle of bChrist Jesus cby the will of God, according to the promise of dlife in Christ Jesus,

Nov 1

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bookmarked 1 Timothy 6 NASB

aAll who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so bthat the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against.

Nov 1

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bookmarked Zechariah 6 NASB

Now I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and behold, afour chariots were coming forth from between the two mountains; and the mountains were bronze mountains.

Oct 31

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bookmarked Zechariah 5 NASB

Then I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and behold, there was a flying ascroll.

Oct 31

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bookmarked Psalms 134 NASB

Behold, abless the Lord, all bservants of the Lord, Who cserve dby night in the house of the Lord!

Oct 30

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bookmarked Psalms 135 NASB

aPraise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; Praise Him, O bservants of the Lord,

Oct 30

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bookmarked Psalms 133 NASB

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For abrothers to dwell together in unity!

Oct 30

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bookmarked Deuteronomy 1 NASB

These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel aacross the Jordan in the wilderness, in the bArabah opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth and Dizahab.

Oct 29

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bookmarked John 3 NASB

Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named aNicodemus, a bruler of the Jews;

Oct 29