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Bj Kalb

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Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 2:18 ESV

Seventy thousand of them he assigned to bear burdens, 80,000 to quarry in the hill country, and 3,600 as overseers to make the people work.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 2:17 ESV

Then Solomon counted all the resident aliens who were in the land of Israel, after the census of them that David his father had taken, and there were found 153,600.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 2:6 ESV

But who is able to build him a house, since heaven, even highest heaven, cannot contain him? Who am I to build a house for him, except as a place to make offerings before him?

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

read 2 Chronicles 1

Solomon the son of David established himself in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great....

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:12 ESV

wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. I will also give you riches, possessions, and honor, such as none of the kings had who were before you, and none after you shall have the like."

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:11 ESV

God answered Solomon, "Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked for possessions, wealth, honor, or the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked for long life, but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may govern my people over whom I have made you king,

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:10 ESV

Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people, for who can govern this people of yours, which is so great?"

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:9 ESV

O Lord God, let your word to David my father be now fulfilled, for you have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:8 ESV

And Solomon said to God, "You have shown great and steadfast love to David my father, and have made me king in his place.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 2 Chronicles 1:7 ESV

In that night God appeared to Solomon, and said to him, "Ask what I shall give you."

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

read 1 Chronicles 29

And David the king said to all the assembly, "Solomon my son, whom alone God has chosen, is young and inexperienced, and the work is great, for the palace will not be for man but for the Lord God....

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 29:18 ESV

O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 29:9 ESV

Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

read 1 Chronicles 28

David assembled at Jerusalem all the officials of Israel, the officials of the tribes, the officers of the divisions that served the king, the commanders of thousands, the commanders of hundreds, the stewards of all the property and livestock of the king and his sons, together with the palace officials, the mighty men and all the seasoned warriors....

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 28:19 ESV

"All this he made clear to me in writing from the hand of the Lord, all the work to be done according to the plan."

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 28:10 ESV

Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it."

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 28:9 ESV

"And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 28:8 ESV

Now therefore in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God, observe and seek out all the commandments of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and leave it for an inheritance to your children after you forever.

over 10 years ago


Bj Kalb

highlighted 1 Chronicles 28:7 ESV

I will establish his kingdom forever if he continues strong in keeping my commandments and my rules, as he is today.'

over 10 years ago