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Shay Imaboss Harper

Shay Imaboss Harper's Notes

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 3:22 ESV

Here again, God says "Us." He does not say "Like me," he says, "Us," implying that there are more gods in the heavens where God resides.

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 3:16 ESV

This may have been Eve's punishment, but all women shouldn't have to suffer and be lesser than a man because Adam ratted her out and couldn't take full blame of his own actions.

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 3:12 ESV

Here is where a lot of men have concluded that the woman was the result of evil, and this is probably where a lot of men decided they should rule over women. However, I think Adam showed his immaturity here when he blamed the woman and did not simply say, "Yes God, I ate the fruit you told me not to eat." They equally partook in this act. No woman made him do anything. Expand

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 3:1 ESV

If Adam and Eve could talk to serpents, I wonder if they could also talk to all the other animals. They were the only two humans who had dominion over anything, and they were even allowed to talk to God. They probably did talk to other animals, which would be really cool. Expand

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 2:20 ESV

In Genesis 1, the Bible says God created man and woman in his image. But here it states that there was only a man. Is this a contradiction?

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 2:9 ESV

The Tree of Life reminds me of the Yggdrasil tree. No one has seen the Tree of Life, and the Yggdrasil drawings could possibly be it.

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 2:8 ESV

Many cultures view East as the direction of wisdom and illumination. Having the Garden of Eden there is no coincidence.

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 2:3 ESV

Since humans invented time and named the days of the week, we can never know the exact day God rested. But we should at least take one day to rest ourselves, as God did, so that we can recharge our energies and use them to their full extent. We should take one day to say thank you. Expand

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 1:26 ESV

Who was God referring to when he said "Us"? Are there perhaps other gods and this one is the supreme ruler of all gods and everything? "Us" implies he was not talking to himself for our perfect God certainly isn't schizophrenic. Expand

Nov 11

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Shay Imaboss Harper

wrote a note on Genesis 1:30 ESV

This verse and the verse before it suggests that this one plant the government has illegalized (marijuana) was actually made for our benefit. For it to be your driving force to get high (same as getting drunk), that is abuse of the plant. However, to know you can smoke marijuana to calm nerves in traumatic situations, or heal certain ailments, to take pain away, or even before you meditate and pray to God, these should be free choices we all have. Instead, the government feeds us pills and even has some Christians believing marijuana is a drug. God did not make drugs. He made plants. Marijuana is a different kind of enlightenment that the Lord created for us, and to think it should be out of reach for humankind is going against God. Expand

Nov 11