Yolanda Bedford's Notes

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on Romans 5:1 ESV
The believer has pease with God ch 5 vs 1 8/18/19
Aug 18

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on Proverbs 1:15 ESV
Today reading proverbs ch 1 vs 1-15. 8/18/19
Aug 18

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on Proverbs 3:6 ESV
Ch 3 vs 6 where we go from here the good bad and ugly? 12/16/18
Dec 16

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on Luke 15:28 ESV
Luke 15 vs 11,12,25,28 the tells of two sons 12/2/18 one son lost in the house and the other lost outside
Dec 2

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on Colossians 3:9 ESV
You make me feel brand new 9/16/18 3 vs 9-10
Sep 16

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on 1 Timothy 1:17 ESV
When we get there! 7/8/18 1timothy 1:17. Where would we be
Jul 8

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on 1 Timothy 1:16 ESV
The best is yet to come 1timothy 1:16 7/1/18
Jul 1

Yolanda Bedford
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 12:7 KJV
Ch12 vs 1-7 the dancing of the hands 9/9
Sep 10