Tanya L Blackwell's Notes

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Galatians 1:11-18 NASB
Apostle Paul speaks of his transformation and how he received the meaning of the Gospel. Not through or by man, but by divine revelation.
Aug 19

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Galatians 1:9 NASB
There is only one true Gospel. Anything that contradicts this is false and not of God.
Aug 19

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Galatians 1:24 NASB
Apostle Paul speaks of his transformation and how he received the meaning of the Gospel. Not through or by man, but by divine revelation.
Aug 19

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Ephesians 6:21 ESV
Tychicus accompanied Paul on different ministries. He was known as Asiactic. First introduced by Paul to the Colossians.
Aug 6

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Ephesians 6:18 ESV
Supplication=Petitioning. Petitioning = Asking.
Aug 6

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Colossians 1:28 NASB
Paul's job was to present the Gospel in order to save souls. Present the word to increase God's knowledge and truth in every man. This is him carrying out his mission.
Jul 16

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Acts 1:12 NASB
sabbath day - recognized by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening. recognized by Christians on sunday.
Mar 6

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on Romans 10:14-15 NASB
The good news is heard then believed by and through faith. There has to be exposure to the word.
Feb 23

Tanya L Blackwell
wrote a note on 1 Peter 3:15 NASB
be ready to witness, give an account, of the greatness of God
Jan 31