Janetodongo's Notes

wrote a note on Philippians 2:7 ESV
Be mindful of other people, do not be selfish. Jesus has given us the ability to so
Jan 6

wrote a note on Psalms 119:99 ESV
The Lord is my salvation and my hope. I will look up to Him for help in times of trouble. But He required me to walk in total obedience to His word and refrain from sin.The enemy had no power over me with God on my side, His word is a light to my feet and a light to my path. Suffering may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. In Him will I put my trust. … Expand
Jan 6

wrote a note on Psalms 119:108 ESV
Your lamp is a light to my feet and a light to my path Jehovah God help me I pray! Teach me your ways and guide me along your will for me. Teach me your word and help me to live by it. Less of me lord and more of you I pray. Help me in my prayer life and help me build a healthy relationship with you dear God. Holy Spirit be my teacher and my guide. I pray for wisdom and understanding in the things of God. Help me to hear your voice when you speak to me, and open my eyes to see the things you'd want me to see around me. I pray that you humble my spirit destroying every evil things that want to raise a standard against yours Lord. Empower me with the right weapon, the warfare is not carnal but against unseen powers in high places. I trust you … Expand
Jan 6

wrote a note on Philippians 4:14 ESV
My conscious is captive to the word of God I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Jan 6

wrote a note on Hebrews 12:5 ESV
Jesus endured such hostility against him from sinners so that I may be encouraged and not give up!
Jan 6

wrote a note on 2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV
Give to God as you have decided in your heart, you should not be pushed to give. God loves a cheerful giver.
Jan 6

wrote a note on Romans 12:10 ESV
Use the gift you have to the full. Be a cheerful giver.
Jan 6

Give Jesus the best, Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus feet. Judas was not happy and wondered why it was not sold. Not because he cared but because he wanted the money for himself as he was a thief. … Expand
Jan 6

To one who strikes you on the cheek, give the other side too. To one who takes away from you, let them have it and do not take back or revenge.
Jan 6

wrote a note on Mark 12:43 ESV
The lady who offered her all and the least and in private gave the most offering, the rich gave much because they could afford it.
Jan 6

wrote a note on Proverbs 28:28 ESV
Give to the poor and be blessed, withhold and be cursed.
Jan 6

wrote a note on Matthew 6:23 ESV
Store up your treasure in heaven where moth will not destroy. Where your treasure is so is where your heart is.
Jan 6

wrote a note on Matthew 25:23 ESV
Faithful servant over little will be rewarded with much
Jan 6

wrote a note on Psalms 37:20 ESV
You'll not be put to shame in evil times, you'll have abundance
Jan 6

wrote a note on Proverbs 28:9 ESV
Evil men understand no justice, better to be poor and walk in righteousness than in crooked ways
Jan 6

wrote a note on Proverbs 3:10 ESV
Trust in The Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding Acknowledge Him in all your ways
Jan 6

wrote a note on Proverbs 11:25 ESV
Give freely and grow richer, hold and you suffer
Jan 6

wrote a note on Psalms 50:17 ESV
Offer The Lord sacrifice of thanks giving and when you upon Him, He'll answer
Jan 6