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Tina Eck

Tina Eck's Activity

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Tina Eck

read Genesis 19

The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face to the earth...

over 10 years ago

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Tina Eck

read Genesis 18

And the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day....

over 10 years ago

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Tina Eck

read Genesis 17

When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless,...

over 10 years ago

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Tina Eck

finished reading Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 4, Genesis 5, Genesis 6, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Genesis 9, Genesis 10, Genesis 11, Genesis 12, Genesis 13, Genesis 14, Genesis 15, Genesis 16 in Bible in 90 Days:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....

over 10 years ago

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Tina Eck

started a reading plan: Bible in 90 Days

over 10 years ago