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Terridalelavigne's Bookmarks

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bookmarked Psalms 91 NASB

He who dwells in the ashelter of the Most High Will abide in the bshadow of the Almighty.

Feb 21

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bookmarked Romans 7 NASB

Or do you not know, abrethren (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives?

Feb 3

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bookmarked 1 John 4 NASB

aBeloved, do not believe every bspirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because cmany false prophets have gone out into the world.

Jul 2

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bookmarked 2 Chronicles 11 NLT

When Rehoboam arrived at Jerusalem, he mobilized the men of Judah and Benjamin—180,000 select troops—to fight against Israel and to restore the kingdom to himself.

May 4

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bookmarked Psalms 2 NASB

Why are athe nations in an uproar And the peoples bdevising a vain thing?

Mar 22

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bookmarked Zechariah 1 NASB

In the eighth month of the second year of aDarius, the word of the Lord came to bZechariah the prophet, the son of Berechiah, the son of cIddo saying,

Mar 21