Elishapearlinmt's Notes

wrote a note on Psalms 77:10 ESV
He takes his "why?" Right back to God, and reminds himself how God has never failed him in the past.
May 3

wrote a note on Psalms 77:6 ESV
Here, he questions himself as to why he doubts. Does God forget to be faithful and loving?
May 3

wrote a note on Psalms 77:2 ESV
The psalmist talks of days when he is down and feeling lost, hopeless, and abandoned. It's so silly to think that I'm the only one who has them when we all do. Everyone has days of doubt. … Expand
May 3

" and his disciples believed in him." After all that they had seen already, they believed in him. We are so much the same way in that we can experience God's love over and over again, but still forget and stray away until his glory and grace is revealed to us once more. … Expand
Oct 21

wrote a note on Daniel 6:5 ESV
That's the kind of thing you want said about you. God, help me be a servant for you, so dedicated, that the only fault others could find in me is my devotion to you!
Sep 26

wrote a note on Isaiah 54:7 ESV
God's love is seriously without end! Would any of us ever have forgiven and welcomed back such wicked people?
Jul 31

wrote a note on Psalms 114:8 ESV
Flint normally gives forth sparks for fire, the very opposite of water. That's cool!
May 28

wrote a note on Psalms 50:23 ESV
Giving thanks is a sacrifice to God... I've never thought of it that way before.
May 11

wrote a note on Psalms 50:11 ESV
It's incredible to think that God knows every creature, plant, and blade of grass in this entire earth. There is nowhere on earth you could go to find something God doesn't know of. Every stem of grass God could describe perfectly! And how many stems of grass are there in this world?! … Expand
May 11

wrote a note on 1 Peter 1:23 ESV
Imperishable seed. Born again so that nothing in this universe can overcome us; our souls have eternal life!!!
May 2

wrote a note on Psalms 104:34 ESV
May my thoughts be pleasing to you, Lord! Help me to avoid unclean or unkind thoughts!
Apr 30

wrote a note on Psalms 103:4 ESV
God pulled me back, a filthy sinner already on my way through the gates of Hell. But he didn't just drop me with a, "there you go," but CROWNED me as an heir! From criminal to crowned. … Expand
Apr 30

wrote a note on Psalms 27:1 ESV
The LORD is the stronghold of my life! When things are going wrong, and I don't know where to turn, God is there, and always has been.
Apr 15