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Barbara Brison

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 12:3 NASB

And aI will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. bAnd in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 12:2 NASB

And aI will make you a great nation, And bI will bless you, And make your name great; And so cyou shall be a blessing;

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 12:1 NASB

Now athe Lord said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you;

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:29 NASB

Abram and aNahor took wives for themselves. The name of Abram's wife was bSarai; and the name of Nahor's wife was cMilcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah and Iscah.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:27 NASB

Now these are the records of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran; and aHaran became the father of bLot.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:9 NASB

Therefore its name was called aBabel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:7 NASB

"Come, alet Us go down and there bconfuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech."

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:6 NASB

The Lord said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have athe same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 11:1 NASB

Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

bookmarked Matthew 7 NASB

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

finished reading Genesis 9, Genesis 10, Psalms 5, Matthew 7 in Bible in One Year:

And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth....

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Psalms 5:12 NASB

For it is You who ablesses the righteous man, O Lord, You bsurround him with favor as with a shield.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Psalms 5:11 NASB

But let all who atake refuge in You bbe glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You cshelter them, That those who dlove Your name may exult in You.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Psalms 5:8 NASB

O Lord, alead me bin Your righteousness cbecause of my foes; Make Your way straight before me.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Psalms 5:7 NASB

But as for me, aby Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bbow in creverence for You.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Psalms 5:4 NASB

For You are not a God awho takes pleasure in wickedness; bNo evil dwells with You.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 10:32 NASB

These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations; and aout of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 10:31 NASB

These are the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, according to their nations.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 10:20 NASB

These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, by their nations.

almost 11 years ago

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Barbara Brison

highlighted Genesis 10:10 NASB

The beginning of his kingdom was aBabel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of bShinar.

almost 11 years ago