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Joanna Rodney

Joanna Rodney's Notes

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 19:1 NLT

2/27/15 daily bread

Feb 27

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 18:1 NLT

2/27/15 daily bread Giving back a tenth of the gifts as tithing to the lord

Feb 27

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Mark 6:56 NLT

2/27/15 daily bread Jesus feeding the multitude with 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish He then walked on the water People who touched his garment was healed

Feb 27

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Daniel 6:1 NLT

2/27/15 daily bread Daniel praying to God as his usual custom, while others plotting to get him thrown into the lions den.

Feb 27

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 16:1 NLT

2/26/15 daily bread

Feb 26

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 17:1 NLT

2/26/15 daily bread

Feb 26

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 15:1 NLT

2/26/15 daily bread

Feb 26

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 17:16 NLT

2/26/15 daily bread

Feb 26

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Mark 6:1 NLT

2/26/15 daily bread The beheading of John the Baptist.

Feb 26

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 8:1 NLT

2/23/15 daily bread The lord giving the Levites their assignments and blessings

Feb 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 7:1 NLT

2/23/15 daily bread The 12 tribes of Israel sacrifices to the lord

Feb 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 23:1 NLT

2/23/15 daily bread

Feb 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 22:1 NLT

2/23/15 daily bread Balsam would not curse the Israelites because they were a God people

Feb 28

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 13:1 NLT

2/22/15 MCBC pastor Cato's preaching. When God starts speaking, listen and follow his lead. God is taken you from nothing to something, he invested his Holy Spirit in you. You must know how to stand on the truth. Expand

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Acts 13:2 NLT

2/22/15 MCBC a Pastor Cato's preaching about the calling of the ministership. Only God calls ministers. The confirmation of the calling to the field. God will always confirm your calling. God will give you peace that pasted all understanding 1- Cautious Do not rush gods next move. Do not walk where you do not belong. Do not make a move without confirmation of your leaders. Do not leave without the proper laying of hands from your leaders. Do not claim a ministry and then expect God to bless it. 2 - The birth of your call: For the gifts of God are irreversible God knows what he wants for you, where he is taking you. Your gift will make room for you, take you places. Do not accept one over another, be willing to preach where the lord Lea Expand

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 6:1 NLT

2/22/15 daily bread The lords commandments to the Nazarite to not cut their hair as a covenant to prepare them for forgiveness for their sins. Then to shave their heads as a sacrifice. Expand

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 5:1 NLT

2/22/15 daily bread If a woman is unfaithful

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Numbers 4:1 NLT

2/22/15 daily bread The assignments of the tribe of Levi to care for the tabernacle and all its belongings

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 2:1 NLT

2/22/15 daily bread Having the spirit of God is to be able to understand his words.

Feb 22

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Mark 4:39 NLT

2/22/15 daily bread Jesus silenced the wind.

Feb 22