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Belinda's Notes

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wrote a note on Isaiah 5:20 NLT

In this day, the year 2020, evil is called good: homosexual sin is rampant & those who don’t celebrate the homosexual life style are called “hateful & intolerant.” Good is called evil: Those who know & serve the LORD are ridiculed & called hateful & sued at the law for standing on their righteous principles. President Trump is hated because he stands against abortion ( the killing of innocent babies, has protected Israel, God’s chosen people. The left are making up lies & twisting things he says to try to impeach him. We, as a country, have, for the most part, forgotten God & HIS word Expand

Jan 10

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wrote a note on Isaiah 1:9 KJV

The remnant was left by God because of HIS promise to David to have his descendants on the throne forever. Genealogies in the Bible prove that from David’s line came Christ, the Messiah, thereby fulfilling God’s covenant. Expand

Jan 10

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wrote a note on Isaiah 53:5 KJV

When Jesus took our sins & diseases upon His body for us, God the Father withdrew His Holy and intimate Presence. Jesus was forsaken by God because He suffered in the sinner's place, becoming a curse for us. In doing so, Jesus defeated sickness, disease, & death! We are victorious through Jesus Christ's death & shed blood on the cross that day. Expand

Jul 25

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wrote a note on Ephesians 4:26-29 KJV

Bitterness keeps you from loving (the LORD and others), and gives the devil a foothold in your life/heart. If you don't forgive, the serpent gets his fangs into you

Oct 19