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Tommy Fallaw

Tommy Fallaw's Activity


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Zechariah 1, Zechariah 2, Zechariah 3, Zechariah 4, Zechariah 5, Psalms 147, Revelation 16, Revelation 17 in Bible in One Year:

In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, son of Iddo, saying,...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Zephaniah 1, Zephaniah 2, Zephaniah 3, Haggai 1, Haggai 2, Psalms 146, Revelation 13, Revelation 14, Revelation 15 in Bible in One Year:

The word of the Lord that came to Zephaniah the son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Habakkuk 1, Habakkuk 2, Habakkuk 3, Psalms 145:14-21, Revelation 10, Revelation 11, Revelation 12 in Bible in One Year:

The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Nahum 1, Nahum 2, Nahum 3, Psalms 145:1-13, Revelation 7, Revelation 8, Revelation 9 in Bible in One Year:

An oracle concerning Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum of Elkosh....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Micah 4, Micah 5, Micah 6, Micah 7, Psalms 144, Revelation 4, Revelation 5, Revelation 6 in Bible in One Year:

It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and it shall be lifted up above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it,...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Micah 1, Micah 2, Micah 3, Psalms 143, Revelation 2, Revelation 3 in Bible in One Year:

The word of the Lord that came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Obadiah 1, Jonah 1, Jonah 2, Jonah 3, Jonah 4, Psalms 142, Revelation 1 in Bible in One Year:

The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord God concerning Edom: We have heard a report from the Lord, and a messenger has been sent among the nations: "Rise up! Let us rise against her for battle!"...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Amos 6, Amos 7, Amos 8, Amos 9, Psalms 141, 2 John 1, 3 John 1, Jude 1 in Bible in One Year:

"Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria, the notable men of the first of the nations, to whom the house of Israel comes!...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Amos 1, Amos 2, Amos 3, Amos 4, Amos 5, Psalms 140, 1 John 3, 1 John 4, 1 John 5 in Bible in One Year:

The words of Amos, who was among the shepherds of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Joel 1, Joel 2, Joel 3, Psalms 139, 1 John 1, 1 John 2 in Bible in One Year:

The word of the Lord that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel:...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Hosea 10, Hosea 11, Hosea 12, Hosea 13, Hosea 14, Psalms 138, 2 Peter 1, 2 Peter 2, 2 Peter 3 in Bible in One Year:

Israel is a luxuriant vine that yields its fruit. The more his fruit increased, the more altars he built; as his country improved, he improved his pillars....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Hosea 6, Hosea 7, Hosea 8, Hosea 9, Psalms 137, 1 Peter 3, 1 Peter 4, 1 Peter 5 in Bible in One Year:

"Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Hosea 2, Hosea 3, Hosea 4, Hosea 5, Psalms 136, 1 Peter 1, 1 Peter 2 in Bible in One Year:

Say to your brothers, "You are my people," and to your sisters, "You have received mercy."...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Hosea 1, Psalms 135, James 3, James 4, James 5 in Bible in One Year:

The word of the Lord that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 10, Daniel 11, Daniel 12, Psalms 134, James 1, James 2 in Bible in One Year:

In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a word was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar. And the word was true, and it was a great conflict. And he understood the word and had understanding of the vision....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 8, Daniel 9, Psalms 133, Hebrews 12, Hebrews 13 in Bible in One Year:

In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, Daniel, after that which appeared to me at the first....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 6, Daniel 7, Psalms 132, Hebrews 11 in Bible in One Year:

It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom 120 satraps, to be throughout the whole kingdom;...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 4, Daniel 5, Psalms 131, Hebrews 10 in Bible in One Year:

King Nebuchadnezzar to all peoples, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you!...

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 2, Daniel 3, Psalms 130, Hebrews 9 in Bible in One Year:

In the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his spirit was troubled, and his sleep left him....

over 9 years ago


Tommy Fallaw

finished reading Daniel 1, Psalms 129, Hebrews 7, Hebrews 8 in Bible in One Year:

In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it....

over 9 years ago