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Joan's Highlights



highlighted Psalms 1:6 NLT

For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

Jan 4



highlighted Psalms 51:10 NLT

Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.

Jan 4



highlighted Psalms 9:1 NLT

I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.

Jan 4



highlighted Matthew 6:9 NLT

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

Jan 4



highlighted John 15:19 NLT

The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

Jan 4



highlighted 2 Timothy 2:11 NLT

This is a trustworthy saying: If we die with him, we will also live with him.

Jan 4



highlighted Haggai 1:9 NLT

You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses.

Jan 4



highlighted 2 John 1:2 NLT

because the truth lives in us and will be with us forever.

Jan 4



highlighted Proverbs 27:4 NLT

Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more dangerous.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:65 NLT

Then Solomon and all Israel celebrated the Festival of Shelters in the presence of the LORD our God. A large congregation had gathered from as far away as Lebo-hamath in the north and the Brook of Egypt in the south. The celebration went on for fourteen days in all—seven days for the dedication of the altar and seven days for the Festival of Shelters.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:66 NLT

After the festival was over, Solomon sent the people home. They blessed the king and went to their homes joyful and glad because the LORD had been good to his servant David and to his people Israel.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:12-26 NLT

Then Solomon prayed, “O LORD, you have said that you would live in a thick cloud of darkness. Now I have built a glorious Temple for you, a place where you can live forever!” Then the king turned around to the entire community of Israel standing before him and gave this blessing: “Praise the LORD, the God of Israel, who has kept the promise he made to my father, David. For he told my father, ‘From the day I brought my people Israel out of Egypt, I have never chosen a city among any of the tribes of Israel as the place where a Temple should be built to honor my name. But I have chosen David to be king over my people Israel.’” Then Solomon said, “My father, David, wanted to build this Temple to honor the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. But the LORD told him, ‘You wanted to build the Temple to honor my name. Your intention is good, but you are not the one to do it. One of your own sons will build the Temple to honor me.’ “And now the LORD has fulfilled the promise he made, for I have become king in my father’s place, and now I sit on the throne of Israel, just as the LORD promised. I have built this Temple to honor the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. And I have prepared a place there for the Ark, which contains the covenant that the LORD made with our ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt.” Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in front of the entire community of Israel. He lifted his hands toward heaven, and he prayed, “O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion. You have kept your promise to your servant David, my father. You made that promise with your own mouth, and with your own hands you have fulfilled it today. “And now, O LORD, God of Israel, carry out the additional promise you made to your servant David, my father. For you said to him, ‘If your descendants guard their behavior and faithfully follow me as you have done, one of them will always sit on the throne of Israel.’ Now, O God of Israel, fulfill this promise to your servant David, my father.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:10-11 NLT

When the priests came out of the Holy Place, a thick cloud filled the Temple of the LORD. The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple of the LORD.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:6 NLT

Then the priests carried the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant into the inner sanctuary of the Temple—the Most Holy Place—and placed it beneath the wings of the cherubim.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:3-4 NLT

When all the elders of Israel arrived, the priests picked up the Ark. The priests and Levites brought up the Ark of the LORD along with the special tent and all the sacred items that had been in it.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:1 NLT

Solomon then summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes—the leaders of the ancestral families of the Israelites. They were to bring the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant to the Temple from its location in the City of David, also known as Zion.

Jan 4



highlighted 1 Kings 8:61 NLT

And may you be completely faithful to the LORD our God. May you always obey his decrees and commands, just as you are doing today.”

Jan 4



highlighted Psalms 107:10-14 NLT

Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, imprisoned in iron chains of misery. They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High. That is why he broke them with hard labor; they fell, and no one was there to help them. “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains.

Jan 4



highlighted Luke 4:8 NLT

Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the L

Jan 4



highlighted Psalms 25:3 NLT

No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Jan 4