read Matthew 5
Jun 29
read Matthew 5:5 Day 261 of Bible Verse a Day
read Luke 9
read Luke 9:23 Day 260 of Bible Verse a Day
read John 11
Jun 26
read John 11 Day 30 of New Testament in 90 Days
read John 10
read John 10 Day 30 of New Testament in 90 Days
read John 9
read John 9 Day 30 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Revelation 2
read Revelation 2:4 Day 259 of Bible Verse a Day
read Hebrews 1
read Hebrews 1:14 Day 258 of Bible Verse a Day
read John 8
Jun 24
read John 8 Day 29 of New Testament in 90 Days
read John 7
read John 7 Day 29 of New Testament in 90 Days
read John 6
read John 6 Day 29 of New Testament in 90 Days